We planned on taking a little break from fostering so our cats could decompress. But the need for fosters is great, and a new litter of puppies needed foster homes. So, into our lives came two puppies from the ‘fish’ litter, Guppy and Anglerfish. A pair of males, just a few weeks old, they come from a litter of 11 pups. We picked them up from CARE on January 18th, 2022 and were with us until February 28th.
They pretty much did all the things that itty bitty puppies do. They ate, slept, and pooped. A LOT! Guppy was a bit larger than Anglerfish, and was ready to explore the world from day 1. Anglerfish was more ‘chill’ and would rather just take a nap, on a lap if he can manage it, instead of doing just about anything else. Although they both enjoyed the outdoors and exploring all over the yard and were good about letting me take all the adorable pictures that a foster mom could ever want to take.
When they were old enough they both quickly found forever homes that will continue to love and spoil them.
Our newest fosters!
Anglerfish and Guppy getting picked up at CARE.
Oh those little wrinkles!
Cutie patootie Guppy.
Well hello there! Says Anglerfish.
Good Guppy.
What a cute pair of puppies.
Anglerfish enjoying some sofa time.
Guppy gnawing on a stuffie.
Nap time for Anglerfish. His favorite activity.
Anglerfish just checking out the foster house.
Sleepy Guppy.
Anglerfish, chillin’ with foster dad.
Guppy exploring the sofa.
Anglerfish likes a good doughnut! Even if it is purple.
Anglerfish enjoying a snuggle.
Cutie Anglerfish.
Butterscotch checking out the new puppies.
Guppy wanting to get up on the sofa.
Guppy loves to chew shoes. These boots sure are tasty.
Guppy loves a good doughnut.
Guppy enjoying the rope toy.
Guppy the explorer.
Konked out puppies.
Guppy thinks I’m a nut.
What a pair!
Puppy pile up.
Sleepy Angler.
Tug of war!
These two LOVE lap time.
Guppy loves to chew on shoes. All shoes.
Guppy is the cutest, all wrapped up after a bath.
Pitty parties are the best!
Nap time. Again!
Neither of them wants to go for a walk before bed.
Loving the outdoors!
Snuggle Time
Guppy enjoying his first milkbone.
Anglerfish chillin’ on the dog bed.
Sleepy Guppy
Guppy enjoying a little time outside.
Ella checking out the puppies while they take an afternoon nap.
Look at those BIG feet!
Guppy loves to pop by and say hello!
Guppy checking out Butterscotch.
Nap time!
Guppy likes to hide from time to time.
Butterscotch coming in for a quick sniff.
Cutie pie Guppy!
Anglerfish enjoying the snow.
Guppy enjoying a warm day.
They love checking to see what’s going on outside.
Just chillin’.
Anglerfish with one of his favorite chew toys.
Guppy says he’ll help me with the website.
Fun finding kibble in the snuffle mat.
Another encounter with Butterscotch.
I think they’re plotting how to get up on the sofa.
It’s a snow day today!
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Guppy loves to chew!
Anglerfish likes chewing the feet and arms on this spiky little dude.
Valentines day!
Chew, chew, chew.
Starting to see a little interest in tennis balls.
Anglerfish has discovered he can wedge himself between the ottoman and the sofa, then ‘walk’ up the side until he’s up on the couch.
Nom, nom, nom.
We’re starting on kibble!
A little fun with some kibble and the snuffle mat.
Guppy says he’ll help with work.
Guppy loves his donut.
Nap time. A favorite puppy activity.
Anglerfish checking out the outdoors.
What a good looking pair of pups!
Anglerfish & Guppy
Out cold!
Exploring in the snow.
Nom Nom Nom. Anglerfish loves this knotted ball.
Hey, where are you going without us?
Adventures in the snow
These two are always snuggle buddies.
Naps. One of their favorite activities.
Well hello there. What are you doing?
Naps, naps and more naps.
They frequently like to use each other as pillows.
Guppy chilin’ outdoors while the snow melts.
First day to last day, these two did a lot of growing while they stayed with us.